No Second Mistake

There was once a government employee who owned a house in the city, and led a comfortable life. When the time came to marry off his daughter, he took a large loan from his office. After the marriage, he had to face a new problem. Every month, half of his salary was deducted for the payment of the instalment of his loan. Consequently, it became difficult for him to run the house. So he and his wife decided to rent out a portion of their house so as to be able to manage their financial problems. They kept a big room with an attached bathroom for themselves and gave the rest of the house to the tenant on rent.

They spent five years living like this. But, eventually the tenant thought of occupying the whole house. He came with the excuse of having to accommodate a marriage party and asked his landlord if he and his wife could vacate his room for two weeks so that he could put up his guests. Then in two weeks’ time, they would return their room. The tenant also arranged a temporary place for the landlord to stay and was able to convince him to vacate his room for the guests. Later, the tenant packed all the belongings of his landlord and took them to the place where he was staying. Two weeks later when the landlord returned and tried to enter his house, the tenant refused to let him in and said, “Now the house belongs to me.”

Some friends of the landlord suggested to him that filing a case against him would take almost 10 years to solve the problem, so he should gather a few people and enter his house by force, and get his house vacated by the tenant. He did as he was advised, but the tenant was a clever person; therefore as soon the landlord “attacked” him, he called the police and had a criminal case registered against him. The proceedings of the case were prolonged for a period of ten years and even more cases were added. The landlord was ruined in the process and the ownership of the property was still unresolved. Ultimately, he was suspended from his job because of the criminal case filed against him.

Once you have made a mistake, do not make another one. If you have lost something after committing one mistake, you should never commit another mistake, as a result of which you will suffer further losses.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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