Interest and Involvement in Work

A full time employee in a busy institution was simultaneously a sub-editor of an English newspaper. He diligently undertook all the responsibilities of his regular job and also the editorial tasks of the newspaper. Someone asked him, “How do you find the time?” He answered: “Time is nothing but a function of interests.”

It is a fact that to bring any task to completion, time is not the most important factor. What is of real importance is interest. It is a person’s interest, which stimulates him to complete any piece of work. With interest and dedication, an individual will get through more work in less time.

Once someone received an offer of work in a foreign country. For foreign travel one has to complete many legal procedures and he had only three weeks at his disposal to get his passport. To travel at the given time appeared to be very difficult. But he pursued the matter day and night, and then on the very day he was due to fly to his destination, he received his passport.

The same kind of opportunity presented itself to another man. He lived in a village far from the city, so he wrote a letter to a relative who lived in the city: “It is difficult for me to come to the city, so would you please arrange my passport and the money spent on this will be my responsibility.” The relative replied, “O.K., I will try”. The man just trusted his relative. He had full two months at his disposal but still none of the arrangements could be made and he was unable to fly abroad. At last he received his relative’s message saying that for some reason he had not been able to oblige him. This message reached him when the time for him to depart was already over.

The former had applied himself to getting his passport with great interest, so he completed the task in spite of having very little time. The latter did not take any interest, as it was not for himself. That is why trivial things became an excuse for him to do nothing in spite of his having a long time in which to help his relative.

When a person takes an interest in his work, his mind becomes fully dedicated to accomplishing his purpose. He is ready to make any sacrifice to this end. The result is that he completes the task in a matter of days which, another person who has no interest in it, is unable to do in weeks and months.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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