The Last Word

Spirituality is not a mysterious term. It is only another name for positive thinking. Positive thinking means living in positivity in spite of all kinds of negative experiences. This is the key to spirituality. Any man or woman who wants to live as a spiritual person must adopt this formula, that is, the art of conversion: converting negativity into positivity. Spirituality is not a natural gift: it is an acquired attribute.

Spirituality makes you tension-free and gives you a peaceful mind on a permanent basis. Spirituality in itself is a non-material quality, yet it is the basis of all kind of success, including material success. If you want to live as a successful person and die as a successful person, then you have to learn the art of spiritual living. Spirituality makes a man a superman and a woman a superwoman. Spirituality enables you to unfold the hidden treasures of your nature. Spirituality is the secret of super-achievement in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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