It Requires Consolidation before Expansion

If you want to bring about any real change in society, you
must first of all change individual thinking and conduct.

A tree is a unique phenomenon of nature. Its roots go deep into the soil and its trunk rises up and its branches spread out high above. This principle of nature is also applicable to the human world. That is, real change in human life can be brought about by following the natural principle: first consolidation and then expansion. Here, consolidation means to firmly establish one’s base in the ground and expansion means to spread out everywhere.

If you want to bring about any real change in society, you must first of all change individual thinking and conduct. For example, if you want to successfully establish a political system, you shall have to train people’s minds in such a way that they find that system acceptable. Similarly, if you want to run successful institutions, you shall first of all have to educate individual minds. Individuals are the basis of any social building. If you want to bring about change in society you have to begin your work at the level of the individual.

Building an institution without first laying a solid foundation is like building sandcastles, which soon crumble away.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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