Positive Aspect of Negative Experience

If you save yourself from becoming the victim of negative experience and do just one thing, that is, do nothing and let
nature take its own course, it would serve as a positive factor
for your mind.

Thomas Alva Edison (1847 – 1931) is renowned as the most famous and prolific American inventor of all time. With his inventions, Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life. More than one thousand patents are registered under his name.

But the early history of Edison presents a very different picture. After a few months of his schooling, his teacher declared him ‘addled’ and confused, and claimed that he wouldn’t be able to continue with his education. Edison’s mother had no option but to take him out of school. She then decided to teach her son at home. This proved to be a great moment in Edison’s life: while the door of one school was closed to him, at the same time the doors of two other schools opened up to him: home-school and mind-school. Due to this incident, Edison’s mind was triggered further and he became motivated to learn on his own. This presents an example of that miraculous factor in human beings, which is known as nature. The principle we derive from here is that when man denies giving you something, nature comes into play to compensate for your loss on a far greater scale.

According to the law of nature, there is always a positive aspect of every negative experience. The only condition is that one should not become negative or succumb to despair. Life is full of unpleasant experiences. There is no escaping them. But negative experiences are not evil phenomena. They are in fact a blessing, a kind of intellectual challenge. In such situations, it is better to wait rather than opt for a reactive approach. If you save yourself from becoming the victim of negative experience and do just one thing, that is, do nothing and let nature take its own course, it would serve as a positive factor for your mind. It will certainly increase your thinking capacity and unfold your intellectual treasure.

If you have developed a strong personality and an intellectually awakened mind, then every shock will prove to be a positive shock for you. You would automatically become capable of availing the shock as a new opportunity. This is because the law of nature stands above all else and when you choose to remain un-offended by an unpleasant experience, you invite the law of nature to come to your rescue and initiate a process to compensate for your loss.

Life is full of opportunities. Even if someone takes away something that had been given to you, what nature gives you can still not be taken away. For example, if a person gave you a man-made torch and he takes it away, he can still not take away from you the divine torch, that is, the sun. Knowing this principle brings about immense hope.

The only fit response when you find yourself in a negative situation with others is to forget the unpleasant external experience and on your own take a fresh decision to improve your ability. Very soon you will find that you have gained more than what you had lost.

There is no full stop in life, only commas. No event is the final chapter of your book. Every day you are in a position to add a new chapter to it. This is due to the enormous capacity of the human mind. You must not underestimate your mind. It is underestimation of the mind that breeds frustration. If you discover the capacity of your own mind, it would give you great courage and unending strength. You will be able to take a new leap into your future from the point where apparently your life’s journey had come to an end.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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