How to Become a

Everyone is born with some unique quality, and success
depends upon discovering it and then utilizing it with sound planning.

A Muslim youth of my acquaintance, born in a village and madrasa-educated, can speak two foreign languages fluently – Arabic and English, without ever having studied for a university degree. I asked him once to tell me the secret of his unusual success. He uttered a single word: Junoon (madness). This means that if you have unflagging determination to achieve your target, you will certainly do so.

That youth was a common man. But this formula is also true of those who are known as great minds. One such case is that of Albert Einstein, who, although started his life from very lowly beginnings, made such discoveries as ultimately changed the course of scientific history.

Albert Einstein was born in 1879 to a poor family. He started out with no means whatsoever, living in destitution and misery. But, from the very outset, he was an ambitious person and was blessed with a very special sagacity – the determination to pursue his goal to the very end. This determination became his greatest asset, and finally he emerged as the greatest scientific mind of the world.

This is no mystery. It is a formula of nature, and applies to every man and woman. Everyone is born with great qualities. Potentially, every man is a superman and every woman is a superwoman. What is required is an insatiable desire to turn this potential into actuality.

Success is not a gift. It is the result of your own striving. If you want to be a super-achiever, first of all you have to recognize your own capabilities. Everyone is born with some unique quality, and success depends upon discovering it and then utilizing it with sound planning.

But always remember that you are a creature, you are not a creator. You have to know your limitations. You have to know what the external compulsions are. You have to know the law of nature. Missing out on any one of these two aspects of life will lead only to disaster.

Be ambitious, but not an adventurist. Be confident, but never lose your modesty. Be very clear about your target, but never try to achieve it at the cost of another person’s success or peace of mind. You have to be a good planner, but keep away from any kind of corrupt practice. It is good to be a self-made person but not by usurping others’ rights. In short, never succumb to a negative experience: try to turn negativity into positivity.

Always remember that it is not your intention or your desire that determines the course taken by the external world. It is a wise adjustment between your desires and external realities that leads to great success. It is a fact that no one can overrule your ambitions but it is also a fact that you cannot overrule the laws of nature. So always be a realist. Acceptance of reality is the most important principle of any kind of success.

Every human being, great or small, is determined to live between two different sets of compulsions – limitations and advantages. So you should know your limitations while you avail of the advantages. Never go beyond your limits and never try to avail of that which is ultimately beyond your reach. Always try to maintain a balance between these two different aspects of life, and the result will certainly be success.

Life is not a smooth journey, being fraught with all kinds of odd and unwanted situations. Accept the reality rather than try to fight it. Don’t forget this wisdom, if you want to see your name listed along with the super-achievers.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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