Peace of Mind – For What?

The first task for every man and woman is to stop their
thinking from taking a negative turn and instead direct it
into positive channels. This should be an imperative for every human being.

Peace of mind is a condition that can be defined as the absence of anxiety. It is good to have a tranquil mind. But, what is the purpose of this? It is generally believed that peace of mind is essential to making us tension-free, helping us to lead a joyful life, enabling us to do our job well or carry on our business in a better way, ensuring our good health, and so on.

It is true that a peaceful mind makes all these things possible. But, this is an under-valuing of the blessing called a peaceful mind, for a peaceful mind is a positive mind. In reality, it is this peaceful mind that makes us capable of living life at its highest level.

The fact is that our mind is a non-stop thinking machine, just as the heart never stops beating. But it is very important to give our thinking a positive direction. If we fail to do so, our thinking process will start moving in a negative direction. Once this happens, the whole functioning of our nature will be thrown into disarray.

The problem is that we are living in a world in which everyone is free to act as he or she pleases, and which is consequently fraught with challenge and competition. This state of affairs creates all the social problems which are generally described as ‘social evils’. It means that the happiness of one person may mean unhappiness for another. Indeed, this happens all too often. In this situation, it is quite natural that when the mind is perturbed, it should slip into negativity. This comes about far too easily and is a very common experience. For all human beings, not being able to develop oneself as a positive personality is a great loss. It is only when you are a positive personality that you can be the beneficiary of all those bounties which are destined for you by the law of nature. If you have allowed yourself to turn into a negative personality, you will never have the blessings which are your due. You will live in frustration and die in frustration, without achieving the high goal for which you were born.

In this situation, the first task for every man and woman is to stop their thinking from taking a negative turn and instead direct it into positive channels. This should be an imperative for every human being.

There are three major sources of intellectual development – study, observation and discussion. All three are nourishment for the mind. If the mind is peaceful, it will be able to take the right lessons from these sources. But if the mind is not peaceful, it will not be able to avail of whatever intellectual food is on offer.

The mind is the greatest shaper of all kinds of personality development. Everyone knows that for good health, we need to take great care that nothing of a damaging nature will affect our physical organs. Similarly, for better personality development, we need to take care that our minds are protected from anything which will disturb its thinking processes. The mind is your engine. Do not let the engine get derailed, for then you will not be able to reach your destination.

Wisdom is the greatest asset of all men and women. Wisdom, the ability to judge or discern what it true or right, has its source in the mind. A healthy body gives you physical energy, while a healthy mind gives you wisdom. If you fail to preserve your mind, you will be deprived of wisdom. And, to be deprived of wisdom is to be deprived of all good things. Wisdom can be the product only of a mind which is healthy. And a healthy mind is one which has developed through the positive thinking process.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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