In the book Leading a Spiritual Life, the author, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan explains that to attain spirituality a person does not need to retire to the jungles, rather he must live in the midst of all the activities of the world and develop the ability to convert material events into spiritual content. This will give him spiritual food, and thus he will be able to develop himself as a spiritual person. The book is a spiritual guide for the reader that can give him a vision, facilitate clearer thinking and establish the principles of personality development in him that can lead him to a successful life.

Life is full of unwanted experiences. What is the formula to deal with these? The only successful formula is: Do not take things as an evil. Take them as a challenge. If you take things as evil, you will simply develop a negative attitude, and a negative attitude will further increase your problems. But if you take untoward situations as a challenge, this attitude will unfold the hidden capacity of your mind. You will be able to face all challenges bravely and intelligently, and sooner or later, reach your destination.

This book, thus, helps the reader deal with day-to-day problems of failure, stress, unhappiness and conflict, and convert them into success.

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