Live on Your Own
You have no option other than to discover your true self and
to stand up for yourself with determination.
Consider a situation in which someone provokes you and you become incensed; someone makes you angry and you are ready to explode; or someone speaks offensively to you and you take umbrage at this; someone does something damaging to you and you are filled with a desire for revenge. In all such cases your feelings are living proof that you are in a state of subjection to others. Under their Influence, you have become what they want you to become. You have accepted them as your masters.
In all such situations, you are being dictated to by others. In this case, the right thing for you to do is to refuse to be influenced by others and to live your own independent life. You have to develop yourself as a self-made person. You have to adopt such a course as will not permit anyone to dictate to you or reduce you to living in a state of mental disarray.
This world is full of people who, having no interest in you, ride roughshod over your feelings. Everyone is intent upon his own interests and no one is concerned about your personal welfare. You have no option other than to discover your true self and to stand up for yourself with determination. It is you alone who matter; you are not anyone else’s concern. In such a situation, you have to realize what is good and what is bad for you. And, having resolved this matter in our own mind, you have to be wise enough neither to be riled by others’ jibes at you, nor to become perturbed at attempts to tarnish your good name.
There is a saying of Benjamin Franklin, ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ This saying is entirely in accordance with the law of nature, according to which everyone is responsible for his or her own well-being.