When Truth Is Revealed

In the next world, only those who are truly right will be proved right. Falsehood will be exposed as nothing but false.

The following verse of the Quran helps us understand the difference between real and hypocritical prostration.

“Some people have not, in their hearts, bowed to God. Their outward prostration is a mere pretence. In the next world, they will be told to bow down before the Lord, but they will not be able to do so.” (68:42)

Prostration is not just a ritual and time-bound physical activity; it is to surrender ourselves to the sublime reality. It is to make ourselves follow the truth in our whole life. So, this verse of the Quran does not just refer to prostration in a limited sense; it indicates a truth that pertains to the whole of our lives.

In this world, people—both on an individual and national level—do not in their hearts bow to reality; they do not adopt the path of truth. However, in their outward demeanour, they pretend to be on the side of truth; they speak words that make it seem right and are not wronging or exploiting others.

However, such deceit is only possible in this world of trial. In the next world, everything will change. Fake notes can be passed on the streets, but banks will not accept them. In the same way, in the next world, there will be no possibility of making lies appear genuine, and unjustness appear like justness.

In the next world, words will refuse to take on false meanings. No one will be able to call injustice as justice and disguise falsehood as truth. The difference between outward and inward reality will disappear. An individual will only be able to express what is in his heart. Man would appear exactly as he was in relation to reality, rather than how he used to contrive to be in front of others.

If people can convince others that they are in the right, they are sure that they have been proved right. However, only those who have proven right in God’s sight are genuinely in the right. Only those who are truly right will be proved right in the next world. Falsehood will be exposed as nothing but false. This verse not only refers to hypocritical prostration; it gives us an indication of the outcome facing both individuals and nations.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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