When the Veil Is Lifted
When the Angel of Death takes man from this present world to the next eternal world, he will suddenly realize that everything he did was just an illusion.
US President Ronald Reagan confidently left the White House on the 30th of March 1981. A caravan of cars took him to the Hilton Hotel in Washington, DC, where he delivered a speech in a magnificent hall. After ending his speech, he came out with a smiling face in the crowd. He was just a few steps away from his bulletproof limousine car when suddenly, sounds of shotguns started coming from the crowd standing outside. A young man, John Hinckley, fired six shots at the President in two seconds. One bullet had entered his chest and settled in his lung. He was covered with blood and was immediately taken to the hospital. Reporters reported: “Mr Reagan appeared stunned. The smile faded from his lips” (Times of India, March 31, 1981). This incident is a picture of a situation that would suddenly strike one at the time of the “attack” of death.
Man considers himself free in the present world. He speaks fearlessly and does whatever he wants. If someone has some wealth, he thinks that his future is secure. If someone has any power, he uses it so that it will never be taken away from him. Every man is confident. Every man is smiling and moving towards his “limousine”. Then suddenly, the veil is lifted. The Angel of Death takes him from this present world to the next eternal world.
It is the most horrible moment of every man’s life. He will be terrified to see the complete opposite situation from what he had assumed when this moment comes. Suddenly he would realize that everything he did was just an illusion. Then, these words will come to his lips: “I thought I was free, but I was helpless. I considered myself a very wealthy person, but I was utterly empty-handed. I thought I was powerful, but I was weaker than the fly and mosquito in this world of God. I thought many people were with me, but I found no one there for me.”
Alas! Man does not know what he should know the most.