Two Kinds of People
God wants people to adopt divine ethics by showing humility, and use their wealth in God’s way, and when they gain the upper hand over the people, they become a symbol of justice for everyone.
The Quran says: “Every soul is held in pledge against its deeds” (74:38), “lest a soul is held in pledge because of what it has wrought” (6:70). On the Day of Resurrection, the evildoers will be told, “taste what you have earned.” (39:24). The same thing has been stated in a hadith in these words: “what is your own doing will be returned to you.” (Hilyat al Auliya’, Vol. 5, p. 125)
The fact is that every man is an industry. The believer is God’s industry, and the non-believer is Satan’s industry. Every man is harvesting according to the negative or positive personality he has developed. According to God’s knowledge, death comes upon man when he has completed his work. Then his next life begins, where he is eternally handed over to the crop he has grown. The one who has grown the crop of thorns will find himself trapped amongst thorns. However, on the other hand, the one who has grown the crop of flowers and fragrances will enter the gardens of Paradise forever.
What is the industry? The industry is the system in which raw material is put in machines which then comes out in the form of manufactured goods. A human being is one who when invested with some greatness by God, responds to it in the form of humility. When he is held accountable, he accepts that with feelings of humility. When wealth comes to him, he puts it to use in the way of God. When he gains the upper hand over the people, he becomes a symbol of justice and benevolence for them. This is the man who proves that he has established the industry of God within himself. Everything that enters him comes out in the form of divine ethics.
The other man is he from whose industry only thorns and poison are produced. Whenever he gets the opportunity, he uses that to achieve popularity. When wealth comes to him, he spends it on showy activities. When he receives power over someone, he makes plans to destroy him. If he disagrees with anyone, he reacts with harsh words and actions. When someone has to deal with him, he experiences selfishness, injustice, and exploitation from him.
Such a man is as if he has established the devil’s industry inside him. Whatever enters into him becomes poison and fire and thorns. After death, he will find himself surrounded by the same evils. He will be found trapped in Hell with the consequences of his actions.