When Death Will Expose Everything As False

On the Day of Judgment, only those people will be safe who have taken refuge in the edifice of God.

It will be a strange moment when people realize that whatever they did in this world, thinking it to be some worthy action, is the inaction of the lowest sort!

In this world, people think highly of themselves and strut about puffed up with pride, whereas actually, the only thing they can take pride in is submitting to God’s commandments. People think they are being very successful by trying to rationalize or explain their misdeeds, while their success lies in openly acknowledging their faults. They have been given the power of speech so that they use it to praise God, but they employ it instead to shower praises on fellow human beings. Emotions such as fear and love have been placed in them, so they should devote these to God, but they have created things as the objects of their fear and love. They think that accumulating material wealth is the most important thing, whereas the highest thing for them is spending their wealth on God’s path till they have nothing left. They should have consideration for the weak, but instead, they ignore them and flatter the strong. They should devote themselves to searching for and discovering the meaningfulness of life, but instead, they drown themselves in furious agitation. The secret of their actual progress lies in engaging in constant introspection, but instead, they are busy inspecting and criticizing others. They should consider worldly wealth and worldly fame and glory as unreal and should have no attachment to them, but they begin thinking these are the most important things of all.

People seek the support of something or some being besides God, imagining it to be a strong refuge. Imagine their condition when, after they die, they will learn that besides God, no one can be a refuge for anyone! People accumulate worldly wealth and fondly imagine they have obtained what needs to be had. Imagine their condition when death will expose everything of theirs to be false and when they will realize that they have acquired nothing at all! People prepare long lists of other people’s mistakes. Imagine their state when angels will present them with a list of misdeeds! People think that this life is the be-all and the end-all. Imagine their state when they will discover that the real issue was death, not this life that lasts for just a few days!

People use the criteria they invented to convince themselves that they are in the right. Imagine their state when they realize that only those who were correct according to God’s criteria were genuinely right! People often think they are fortunate to find a huge crowd to welcome them. Imagine their condition when they realize that only that person is fortunate whom God and His angels were waiting to welcome!

Every person has built a fantasy world of his own and is happy living in it. However, the Day of Judgment will destroy all these make-believe edifices. Only those who have taken refuge in the edifice of God and are in God’s shade will be safe.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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