The Living Graveyard

The hospital is like a living graveyard. In seeing the scenes of helplessness at the hospital, we can realize the utter helplessness we will feel in the Hereafter.

I stood inside the hospital. There were all kinds of patients in front of me. Each patient appeared to be a picture of pain. Some had problems with their hands and some with their feet. Someone had a stomach ache, and someone’s back was injured. Every man was in suffering in the hospital. Everyone was an image of human helplessness.

If one part of the body is disturbed, this becomes a person’s condition. Then what will happen to one when everything is disturbed; when everything he has is taken away from him, which he thought was his possession?

In ancient times, one used to go to the graveyard to take a lesson. Now he should instead go to the hospital for drawing lessons. The dead remained beneath the ground in the graveyard. However, in the hospital, the sick persons are above the ground. Therefore, you have to deeply think about it when you are in the graveyard to bring it into your mind. While in the hospital, lesson-giving items remain in front of your eyes.

The hospital is like a living graveyard. The world of the hospital is a world full of lessons. Someone comes here after meeting with an accident. Someone suffers from a severe illness. Someone has damaged something meaningful in his body. The result is that someone is crying, and someone is screaming. There are scenes of helplessness that are visible everywhere all over the hospital.

These scenes are shown so that a person can learn a lesson from them. One could see the reflection of his suffering in the suffering of others. He may observe the whole reality in a partial event. He may realize the event of the Hereafter in the events of the world.

Such events are everywhere in front of human beings. However, there are very few people who take lessons from them. In taking lessons, we should feel the same as is felt by others. It is to see the present and how many people have the vision to see the future in the present?

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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