Listen to God’s
Silent Message

Through the python, God conveys in a silent language: Do not harm others even if you are powerful and far above their status.

Pythons are of many kinds, but the very mention of the name conjures up the image of a dangerous reptile. The type of python found in the Indian jungles is called python molars. Its length is about 20 feet, and its weight is 200 pounds and more when fully grown.

However, like many other beasts, the python is not a dangerous animal. It attacks a man or a living being in two instances: only when it is starving or when it is attacked. In normal times, it just lies about like any other harmless creature. After a long study of the python, one zoologist writes:

“A python, however giant it may be, is nervous by nature and, like all other snakes, will never attack deliberately, nor will it become aggressive unless provoked. It threatens by hissing or disappearing if encountered in the wild but does not stand up and fight as one might imagine.”

This attribute in python is not just a matter of coincidence. It is the direct result of planning by the Creator of the universe. The python is a silent call from nature. The action language conveys the message not to harm others even if you are a python. If you are powerful and far above others in status, do not harm them.

Ironically, man is cruel to his fellow men in a world where the lesson being given to him by the universe is not to be cruel.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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