What Will Happen
That Day?
On the Day of Judgement, God Almighty will give to whomever He wants, and no one will be able to overturn His Will; try as hard as he or she might.
God is the Lord of everything. Whatever anyone receives is given by God. No one but God has anything to give to anybody. Thus, if a person were to snatch away something from someone that the latter has legitimately acquired, it is, as it were, snatching something given by God. That person wants to try to go against God’s plan.
Suppose someone gets a house, and others plot to take it away from him. If someone has a legitimate source of livelihood, people want to destroy him economically. An individual leads a respectable life, but others want to rob him of his respect. Someone is at peace with his surroundings, but people institute false cases against him to destroy his peace. All such actions interfere with what God has arranged. It is a war against the All-Powerful God by absolutely helpless creatures.
What do such actions amount to? God wants something, but these creatures want something else. For example, God decided to arrange for the allocation of livelihood among people in a particular way, but these creatures do not agree. These creatures’ defiance of God appears to work in this world, but this apparent success is only because, in this world, people have been granted freedom to test their ability to use it wisely. As soon as the period allocated for this test is over, people will find themselves so utterly bereft of power that they will not even have words to utter against others or the capacity to harm them.
In this world, human beings have freedom. Here, people are free to go against what God has laid down as proper for human beings to do. For example, they have the freedom to try to condemn the allocation of livelihoods among people that God has arranged. However, what will the condition of such people be when this freedom, linked to the test of life, comes to an end; when only God’s Will shall prevail?
On that day, the All-Powerful God will say that He gives to whomever He wants and that no one can overturn His Will, try as hard as he or she might.