How Strange!

If the fear of the Hereafter awakens in someone, it will move his whole personality mobilizing all the latent powers.

An Indian aeroplane flew from Bangkok to Bombay on June 3, 1984. It was a Boeing 747 with four engines and 152 passengers on board. The plane had just reached into the air when one of its engines caught fire. Captain Verma landed the plane at a nearby airport, Don Muang. After twenty minutes of take-off, the plane was back on the ground.

The plane landed safely on the runway with the pilot’s vigilance, where firefighters were already present on the scene after receiving electronic information. However, many passengers were injured and were immediately taken to hospital. The cause of the injury was not the plane; instead, according to the reports published in the Times of India (June 4, 1984), the reason was:

Most injuries were due to passengers rushing for the emergency exit from where they descended through a chute.

When the plane landed, the passengers rushed to the door to get off the plane and injured themselves.

The fire of the plane had not yet caught anyone. The only fear was that they might be caught by the fire and burnt to death. This fear made people fall on each other. They started to run away first and go ahead of the others.

However, man is faced with even greater danger. It is death and, after that, the danger of Doomsday and the Day of Judgement. However, no one is afraid of that. No one feels the need to run away from it.

What motivates man the most in the present world is “fear”. The psychology of fear is the most significant source of action. The fear of the Hereafter is the greatest. This means that if the fear of the Hereafter awakens in someone, it will move his whole personality, mobilizing all the latent powers.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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