The home serves as a natural training ground for individuals. If one displays good character within the limited circle of the house, one can exhibit good character within the wider circle of society.

The upbringing within the home is of utmost importance. The Prophet said, “The best among you is the one who is best to his family members” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 1977). This implies that someone who treats his family members well will also excel in interactions with others outside the family. The home serves as a natural training ground for individuals. Interactions within the home occur within a confined sphere, whereas in society, interactions occur on a broader scale. Therefore, displaying good character within the limited circle of the house will translate into exhibiting good character within the wider circle of society. It enables individuals to become better human beings in a broader context.

There was once a gentleman working in the government service who believed in keeping his wife under control. He consistently put this theory into practice within the confines of his home, speaking harshly to the women of his household, treating them oppressively, and not allowing them any freedom.

He brought this temperament from his upbringing at home into the office. Unfortunately, his behaviour extended to his fellow officers, including a lady officer. Consciously or unconsciously, he maintained the same domineering attitude towards her as with the women in his home. Initially, the lady officer tolerated it. However, his excessive behaviour eventually affected her. She became irritated and intentionally sabotaged his record. Consequently, his promotion was revoked, and he became entangled in various office problems.

The correct principle is one which is equally applicable, both within and outside the home. People should uphold their dignity within the home, respect their elders, and show kindness towards the younger ones. This principle is successful both within the house and in interactions in the outside world. Man needs to live with moderation both within and outside the home.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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