One should not rely on others to find work; instead, one should discover and cultivate one’s talents to become a valuable asset to society. Becoming indispensable to others is the secret to achieving success.

On December 14, 2004, I met a Muslim youth named Muhammad Esa. Muhammad, unemployed since 1998, expressed his discouragement in finding work. He explained his circumstances, highlighting his lack of proper guidance and the absence of helpful advice from his parents, who only offered affection and love.

Although I could not provide him with a job, I shared an important fact of life regarding the availability of jobs worldwide. The reality is that the world is indifferent to one’s unemployment status; it is solely interested in your skills or abilities that will benefit society. If you wish to secure employment, you must make yourself useful. By doing so, work will naturally gravitate towards you rather than you relentlessly searching for it.

The truth is that the architect of our present world has constructed it based on individual interests. Each person is driven by their interests. In such a world, true success lies in proving your ability to fulfil the world’s interests. Offer something of value to the world, and it will be compelled to provide you with work opportunities.

The employment search often breeds despair, while adopting a mindset of usefulness fosters confidence and determination. One should not rely on others to find work; instead, one should delve into one’s abilities. Discover and cultivate your talents to become a valuable asset to society. Prepare yourself to be indispensable to others. This is the secret to achieving success in the world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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