Family represents a microcosm of the broader human community, encapsulating all its situations on a larger scale. Each individual is offered an invaluable education within a family, acquiring the necessary knowledge, ethical values and skills to lead a successful life. Consequently, parents play a significant role in shaping their children’s positive or negative actions. Mothers, in particular, play a vital role in shaping their children’s minds. Parents should listen to their children and offer them guidance based on wisdom. The child’s home serves as their first school, and parents are their first teachers, forming the foundation of their upbringing.

The most incredible gift parents can give their children is education and ethical values, not wealth. Easy money often leads to the downfall of children. Instead, parents should focus on educating their children, instilling moral values, a strong work ethic and the skills to build a prosperous future for themselves. There are two forms of education: formal and informal. Formal education equips individuals with skills for employment, whereas informal education focuses on fostering better individuals for society. Schools and colleges represent formal educational institutions, while families function as informal educational establishments.

Parents must educate their children. The purpose of education is not only to find jobs; instead, its true purpose is to foster awareness within individuals. Awareness makes one understand the true nature of the issues, critically analyze situations and discern what is attainable and what lies beyond reach in the world. Undoubtedly, all successes are reserved for aware and educated individuals. No progress and development is simply achievable without this in this world.

The greatest guarantee for children’s progress lies in cultivating a realistic approach and a positive spirit of action within them. Parents must make their children aware of the realities of life. They must make them understand that the architect of our present world has constructed it based on individual interests. Each person is driven by their interests. In such a world, true success lies in proving your ability to fulfil the world’s interests. Offer something of value to the world, and it will be compelled to provide you with work opportunities.

Parents should awaken the inner potential of their children so they can understand their circumstances and shape their lives accordingly. They must make them realize that there are no limits to the humanly possible in this world of God. Having had an undistinguished start in life should never, therefore, be a cause for despair. The ordinary circumstances of life are the stepping stones to success. Actual progress is achieved through diligence and hard work; progress bestowed by others is not genuine progress. Parents must make their children understand that to succeed in this world of God; one must be like the tree that forces its way up through the undergrowth to take its place in the sun. One must make himself deserving. One must first know oneself and one’s circumstances and channel his energies properly so others cannot fail to recognize his value.

In this way, the most valuable legacy parents can bestow upon their children is education and training them to trust their hard work, avoid conflicts, be content with their rightful share, embrace realism instead of indulging in fantasies, and understand that moral inheritance surpasses material wealth. Those who receive such education and upbringing within their homes will likely exhibit similar societal behaviour. They will actively promote goodness, overlook unfavourable situations, and sincerely appreciate positive attributes in others. Such individuals will become positive contributors to society and the nation.

To begin this process in their children, I advise parents to introduce them to CPS’s printed and online material and encourage them to engage with this curated audio and video content. These are available on:

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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