Striving to fulfil the desires of the children is a never-ending effort. The reform of children can only begin with the reform of the parents toward their children on realistic lines.

I was approached by a woman requesting an article on child reformation, highlighting the pressing need for it in the present age. I responded by pointing out the abundance of existing articles and speeches on the subject, with little to no tangible outcome. The solution lies not in more articles or speeches but rather in a fundamental change in parents’ behaviour when dealing with their children. The prevailing situation is that parents excessively indulge their children, which is the root cause of their perversion. Until parents relinquish this pampering, true child reformation cannot take place.

Upon hearing my perspective, the woman expressed concerns about being too harsh with children. I clarified that I did not advocate for harshness but emphasized the importance of abandoning pampering. This parental disposition is what breeds deviation in children. The problem arises from parents being so sensitive to their children’s desires that not pampering them is perceived as cruelty, which prevents them from giving up pampering.

I further explained that no matter how much pampering you do, their demands are never-ending. They constantly yearn for more and more. Consequently, parents believe they have not done enough, as fulfilling their children’s demands remains incomplete. The notion of pampering has become a misguided yardstick. Parents expect that when children stop making demands, they will only believe. However, children and adults alike are in a perpetual state of desire, where whatever they receive falls short. Hence, there are always new demands. Striving to fulfil desires is a never-ending effort. The reform of children can only begin with the reform of the parents toward their children on realistic lines.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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