One should live in the remembrance of God. Placing complete trust in Him, one should become so immersed in the magnificence of divine blessings that the omissions of others become insignificant.

In Indian tradition, a story is told that a king had two queens, each having a child. There was a rivalry between the two queens. One day, one of the queen’s children sat on the king’s lap. Observing this scene, the other queen got angry. She removed the child from the king’s lap and replaced him with her own. The child then went to his mother crying and recounted the whole story. The mother advised, “Sit on the lap of Param Pita (God), and you will have no grievances.”

Though symbolic, this story imparts a profound lesson. People often harbour different types of complaints bestowed upon them by their families and society. Yet, these grievances are trivial. The more significant issue is that a person should live in the memory of God. Placing complete trust in God, one should become so immersed in the magnificence of divine blessings that the omissions of others become insignificant.

Complaining to fellow humans is, in reality, a consequence of being unaware of God. The countless blessings showered upon humanity by God are akin to an ocean, while what comes from humans is merely a drop in comparison. Adding a drop from his side to this ocean of divine blessings would not increase it. Similarly, removing a drop from this ocean would not diminish it.

Everyone rests in the lap of “Param Pita,” God Almighty. If one fully grasps this reality, he will understand that even the most substantial complaints appear inconsequential.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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