It is truly disheartening that people have become so consumed by their love for their children that they embody the Prophet’s words, ‘Your love for something makes you blind and deaf.’

Nowadays, it is generally the case that in every house, praises are lavished exclusively upon their family members, always speaking of them positively. Conversely, when discussing others, derogatory remarks are all too frequent.

This culture of extolling one’s virtues while highlighting the flaws of others has become so pervasive that hardly any household remains unaffected by it. It is within the confines of the home; individuals are transformed into citizens of society and the nation. However, this prevailing culture has failed to nurture good citizens who hold fair opinions of others, harbour love for others, display tolerance, possess a spirit of generosity towards all, foster a sense of equality, find joy in the progress of others, and empathize with the suffering of others.

Social values have disappeared entirely, leaving only one prevailing concern: self-interest. This state of affairs has led everyone to become self-centred and opportunistic, often at the expense of others. This alarming situation cannot be remedied through mere meetings and speeches. The sole path to rectification lies in developing the household environment to improve the moral character of children. Resolving this dire predicament remains elusive without addressing the deficiencies within our homes.

We had a well-educated Muslim associated with our mission who, at that time, did not have any children. However, they later became parents. As time went on, they gradually distanced themselves from the mission. In a subsequent meeting, I asked them why they had left the missionary work. They responded, “The responsibilities of raising children have increased to the point where we no longer have time.” This scenario is emblematic of the present age, where almost everyone considers their children their utmost concern. They dedicate their resources, time, and energy solely to their children’s well-being. While they may express words of concern for others, their actions are reserved exclusively for their offspring. Even concerning matters of God or divine work, their involvement remains limited to mere words. “Today, the individuals you encounter prioritize their children but display little concern for their future. This aligns with the saying, ‘sacrificing one’s hereafter to build the world of others’ (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 3966).

It is truly disheartening that people have become so consumed by their love for their children that they embody the Prophet’s words, ‘Your love for something makes you blind and deaf.’ (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 5130) Their love for their children blinds them and hinders their judgment. Their attachment to their children is so overpowering that they fail to realize that while they are concerned about their children’s future, they neglect their own. Consequently, they have no time for more significant pursuits such as religious studies, missionary work, and planning their affairs with a focus on the hereafter.”

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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