Observing mere rituals to God while centring real-life pursuits around their children is not true devotion to God. Devotion to God encompasses every facet of an individual’s existence.

A hadith of the Prophet emphasizes that on the Day of Judgment, the most ashamed individual will be the one who traded their Hereafter for the worldly desires of others. This hadith, found in Al-Tareekh Al-Kabeer by Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1927, holds particular relevance in today’s society, especially for those consumed by the obsession with their children. In the present age, the mindset of parents revolves around treating their children as their ultimate priority. They become entirely absorbed in accumulating worldly wealth for the sake of their children, leaving little time for meaningful pursuits that contribute to their own Hereafter.

At this age, individuals have lost sight of the fact that their children are merely a test for them (Quran, 8: 28). While children are not solely bestowed upon parents to fulfil their happiness, parents invest all their energy in securing worldly success for their offspring.

Many individuals in today’s society outwardly display religious devotion, meticulously observing rituals such as fasting and prayers. However, their main focus lies in dedicating all their time and effort towards amassing worldly possessions solely to leave behind a substantial inheritance for their children upon their demise.

Yet, such individuals are merely deceiving themselves. Their rituals offer superficial piety to God, while their real-life pursuits centre solely around their children. This is not true devotion to God; it is, in fact, akin to child worship. It must be understood that such a path does not grant anyone the credit of genuine devotion to God. Devotion to God cannot be an isolated aspect of life; true devotion encompasses every facet of an individual’s existence.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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