Education holds immense importance in Islam. The first educational institution was established in Madina through prisoners of war from the Battle of Badr. Their freedom was granted in exchange for education.

Education holds immense importance in Islam, surpassing all other interests. However, in the present age, Muslims have fallen behind in education compared to other nations. This can be attributed to a flawed decision by Muslim leaders, who believed admitting Muslims into educational institutions with non-Muslim teachers would corrupt their children. Consequently, Muslims faced significant setbacks in education. Their decision was incorrect, as we learn from the history of Islam.

The first school established in Madina, known as a training centre, had non-Muslim teachers who were prisoners of war. Some refer to Suffa as the first Islamic school, but it was not just an educational institution but a spiritual training centre. The first educational institution in Islam was established in Madina through prisoners of war from the Battle of Badr, and all its teachers were non-Muslims and polytheists.

This educational system even led to some problems in Madina. For instance, an incident narrated by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal mentions that the Prophet Muhammad decided to release prisoners of war from the Battle of Badr on the condition that they teach the children of the Ansar how to read and write. However, one day, a young boy came crying to his mother, revealing that his teacher had struck him. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 2216)

All the prisoners of war were enemies of Islam, and there was a fear that releasing them would pose a threat again. However, their freedom was granted in exchange for the value of education. This episode emphasizes the significance of education in Islam, which should be pursued regardless of other concerns.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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