Parents must prepare their children to face the realistic principle—the more you give, the more you gain. They must inculcate in their children hard work and goodwill towards others.

Let me recount an incident involving a Muslim merchant. His daughter approached him with an urgent need for money. Without probing further, the merchant promptly reached into his pocket, withdrew all the notes inside, and handed them to his daughter, saying, “These are for you. I earn them for you only.”

This incident is not an isolated occurrence; instead, it reflects the general mindset of parents. Parents work hard, earning through their efforts, yet when it comes to their children, they believe their offspring should not face any difficulties. Parents willingly endure hardships, providing their children with every comfort and facility, ready to fulfil their desires regardless of the cost.

Parents’ disposition is the most significant obstacle to their children’s progress. In essence, it represents a reverse form of upbringing. However, the world that awaits their children is one of the realities where the principal rule is—the more you give, the more you gain.

Regrettably, what parents foster within their children, within the confines of their homes, is precisely the opposite. Inside the house, children grow accustomed to an environment of receiving without giving, while outside, they encounter a world that expects them to give after receiving. Consequently, today’s youth, both boys and girls, fall victim to negative thinking. They find fault with everyone, consciously or unconsciously, believing their parents were exceptional while perceiving others as evil.

This situation has eradicated two crucial values from the contemporary world: hard work and goodwill towards others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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