Recognizing that everything one receives is a direct gift from the Lord is acknowledgement or gratitude in religious terms. Only one possessing this psychology has the right to live legitimately in this world.

Nowadays, people earn money and buy cars to give to their children. The car windshields bear the words “Dad’s Gift.”  This matter is significant. In reality, it reflects ingratitude toward one’s true Benefactor. Failing to attribute a blessing received from God to God Himself and instead claiming it as a personal accomplishment is a form of lack of acknowledgment of God’s blessings. Undoubtedly, ingratitude towards God is the gravest sin in this world.

Chapter 27, Verse 40 of the Quran mentions that when Prophet Solomon, son of David, received a material blessing, he immediately acknowledged, “This is by the grace of my Lord.” In other words, he recognized it as God’s gift. This is the correct way of faith. A true believer considers everything as belonging to God; he attributes any blessing he receives as coming directly from God.

In this world, it may seem humans receive things solely through their efforts, but this is merely the outward aspect. The ultimate reality is that everything is a gift from God. The test for humans is to remove the external veils and recognise that everything they receive is a direct gift from their Lord.

This acknowledgment is known as gratitude in religion. A person possessing the psychology of appreciation and acknowledgment has the right to live legitimately in this world. Gratitude grants anyone the right to live in the present world. Conversely, those with the psychology of ingratitude and denial are considered intruders and criminals in God’s realm.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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