Whether a father has sons or daughters, he is responsible for providing them with the best education, instilling in them a strong work ethic and the skills to build a prosperous future for themselves.

Regarding the upbringing of girls, there is a Hadith states: “Whoever has three daughters, and he is patient with them, gives them a good upbringing, and treats them well, he becomes deserving of Paradise.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 5147)

This Hadith, narrated by Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri, conveys that the Prophet of Islam emphasized the importance of raising and educating daughters, marrying them off, and treating them with kindness. Such actions are rewarded with Paradise.

It is common for some individuals to devalue daughters when there are no sons in their household. However, this Hadith refutes such a mindset. Whether a father has sons or daughters, he is responsible for providing them with the best education and upbringing to equip them for a successful life.

Many fathers prioritize material comforts for their children, striving to accumulate wealth for them. However, this approach is flawed. The greatest gift a father can give his children is education, not wealth. Easy money earned by the father often leads to the downfall of children. Instead, parents should focus on educating their children, instilling in them a strong work ethic and the skills to build a prosperous future for themselves.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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