Japanese homes serve as training grounds for their children, focusing on education, patriotism, and nurturing a strong national character. The abundance of highly educated individuals has led to Japan being hailed as a highly educated and scientific nation.

In August 1945, Japan faced complete devastation, losing its political freedom and economic independence. However, Japan prioritized financial independence over political freedom, leading to remarkable success. Today, Japan is a super economic power. By 1990, Japan had loaned 5 billion dollars worldwide. By 2024, it is estimated to reach $ 5056 in loans. Despite being politically dominated by America in 1945, Japan has become America’s economic debtor.

During a visit to Kabul in May 1992, Pakistani columnist Mr Abu Zar Ghaffari had the opportunity to meet a Japanese journalist. Curious about Japan’s extraordinary progress, he inquired about the secret behind their success. The journalist revealed that Japan’s remarkable progress can be attributed to the pivotal role of education in their society. With limited natural resources, the Japanese people consider their children as their most valuable asset. Japanese homes serve as training grounds for their children, with significant investments made in their education. Consequently, Japan is now a highly educated nation. The abundance of highly educated individuals, especially in science, has led to Japan being hailed as a scientific nation.

This emphasis on education and upbringing has nurtured a strong national character among the Japanese. Their unwavering patriotism is a shining example. A Japanese individual would willingly bear a loss of a hundred rupees to save the country from a one-rupee loss (Nawa-i-Waqt, Lahore, 12 July 1992). Japan’s progress has surpassed its rivals, allowing them to establish a highly scientific society. This is a testament to the only path towards progress and success.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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