The foundation of family life should facilitate intellectual growth rather than becoming a constant obstacle to mental development. Families should engage in serious discussions on significant issues of life.

In the current age, particularly in the Eastern world, a culture known as “Family Culture” prevails around earning money and meeting the demands of family members. People consider this the sole model and remain unaware of any alternative one.

The major drawback of this family culture is that it has become synonymous with befooling of the family. Consequently, people’s thinking becomes extremely limited. Their minds are confined to their material needs, preventing them from thinking beyond these constraints. Reading books and engaging in meaningful discussions are not part of their environment. They lack the culture of interacting with people other than their relatives, learning from them, and benefiting from their experiences. It is typically for work, leisure, or shopping when they venture outside their homes. Intellectual development is an unfamiliar concept to them.

The damage caused by this family culture is that while the people may appear to lead comfortable lives based on material wealth, they suffer from intellectual dwarfism. Engaging them in serious discussions reveals their lack of scientific thinking, knowledge of the universe of facts, and opinions on significant life issues. They may outwardly resemble human beings, but they are merely well-dressed animals. The foundation of family life should facilitate intellectual growth rather than becoming a constant obstacle to mental development.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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