Education creates awareness within the individuals. Undoubtedly, all successes are reserved for educated individuals. No progress and development is attainable without education in this world.

A team from BBC London’s Urdu department visited the state of Gujarat in India, where they specifically met with the Muslim community and compiled a report on the subject. I became aware of this report through the publication of BBC London on July 22, 2004. The publication revealed a significant shift among the Muslims of Gujarat. Education has become a paramount concern for every Muslim in the state, with everyone emphasizing the importance of educating their children.

This represents a new trend. After 1947, Indian Muslims experienced ongoing unrest, being caught in a cycle of grievances, protests and responding to violence with violence. After more than half a century, it became evident that this approach proved unsuccessful. Now, for the first time, Muslims have adopted a mindset that recognizes dwelling on revenge and bitter experiences of the past as futile endeavours. They now focus on education, progress and construction, leaving the thirst for revenge behind. This modern trend can be summed up in the following phrase: “Forget the past, educate the children.”

In light of the unpleasant events after 1947, Indian Muslims collectively fell into a psychology of reaction. I began advocating for positive thinking as the key to a meaningful life. I initiated my effort in 1965 through the weekly Nida-e-Millat in Lucknow. From 1967 onwards, I continued this work through the weekly Al-Jamiat in Delhi. In 1976, I launched the monthly publication Al-Risala from Delhi, furthering my efforts in a more organized manner. Additionally, I wrote articles supporting this message in various newspapers and journals nationwide. Through extensive travels, gatherings, and meetings, I conveyed this positive message to the Indian Muslim community.

This viewpoint was initially alien to Muslims, as the Arabic proverb states, “People become enemies of what they are unaware of.” Therefore, Muslims initially opposed the concept of patience and avoidance. However, continuous experiences have opened their eyes, leading to a change in the mindset of Muslims in Gujarat and throughout the country. They have realized that blaming others is futile, and their efforts should focus on their education, development and empowerment.

Undoubtedly, this shift in perspective is a positive trend. The world has entered a new era in the wake of the scientific revolution. While it was previously believed that ‘the sword was the key to power’ (i.e., physical strength equates to power), every aware individual now understands that knowledge is the true key to power. In the past, dominance in the world was determined by those who possessed swords, but now it belongs to those who know.

This world is inherently competitive, and one will inevitably encounter challenging experiences from others. A foolish person dwells on past bitterness, whereas a wise person overcomes bitter memories, adopts the way of patience and tolerance, and spends all his energies building his future.

The purpose of education is not only to find jobs; instead, its true purpose is to foster awareness within individuals. The root cause of all problems in this world is unawareness, and the solution to these problems lies in making people aware. They must understand the true nature of the issues, possess the ability to critically analyze situations, and discern what is attainable and what lies beyond reach in the world.

Education creates awareness within the individuals. Undoubtedly, all successes are reserved for educated individuals. No progress and development is simply attainable without education in this world.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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