Parents should adopt a realistic outlook to avoid disappointment regarding their children.

A father shared a strong bond with his son. Within the father’s mind existed an idealized vision of work, and he desired to prepare his son for this ideal job. To achieve this ambition, he ensured his son received a high-quality education. All his aspirations were tied to his son’s future. As the son grew older and completed his education, the father eagerly anticipated his pursuit of the favoured profession. However, the son declined. The father made numerous pleas, but the son remained steadfast. Eventually, the son told his father, “Mature children work according to their wisdom.”

Upon hearing this response, the father experienced immense disappointment, leading to mental distress and elevated blood pressure. Yet, the truth is that the mistake lay with the father, not the son. It is an inherent truth that every child is born with intelligence. During their formative years, when they are still immature, they heed their parents’ guidance. However, as his consciousness evolves, it allows him to think independently. In such a state, the unrealistic expectations of parents like the father mentioned above become incongruous; they fail to materialize. Parents harbour deep affection for their children, and due to this emotional love, they become prone to wishful thinking regarding their children’s futures. They nurture aspirations for their children that defy the laws of nature. Virtually every father is afflicted by such wishful thinking. Yet, these fantasies remain unrealized in the real world. Parents should adopt a realistic outlook to avoid disappointment regarding their children.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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