87. How should we strive to understand the undeclared meaning of the verses of the Quran?

The Quran has its own style. The Quran is not narration of history nor is it a novel. The truth is that the Quran is a book of wisdom. In the language of wisdom, some things are between the lines or undeclared. Thus you have to reflect to understand the message that lies between the lines. For example, at the time of the Battle of Uhud, seventy Companions of the Prophet were killed. The verses that were revealed afterwards, did not tell Muslims that the opponents were their enemies and that they should invoke curse on them. Instead the verse that was revealed on this occasion said:

He [God] paid you back with one sorrow after another, so that you might not grieve for what you lost. (Quran 3:153)

The wisdom behind this verse of the Quran is that after every loss, we need to adopt the attitude of re-planning instead of becoming hopeless or engaging in complaints against others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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