80. How can you explain the notion of life being a test to a secular,
non-religious mind?

The word ‘test’ is not religious; it only explains why our world is full of experiences. ‘Namaz’ and ‘Hajj’ are religious words unlike the word ‘test’. The concept of test tells us why problems exist in our life and explains why success, failure, happiness and sadness exist in this world. Test is not a negative word – it means that whatever situation we face gives us an opportunity to undertake personality and spiritual development. In other words, these situations put us to the test in that they are meant to determine our response.

The word ‘test’ is used only for the purpose of explaining the nature of life. Instead of ‘test’, another term such as ‘training’ or ‘learning’ can also be used.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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