14. What is your message for the
youth of India?

My message for youth is that they must singularly focus on education and stay away from all distractions like student-politics and student-unions.

Education leads to self-discipline and is the only way to bring about positive social change. This method seems to be very long-term, but according to the law of nature, any substantial result is achieved only by long-term planning. Short-term planning cannot produce any valuable result. Social construction or nation building is like growing trees of oak. If we perform this task in the right way, a time will come when nation building will have become a reality. However, if we do not adopt the right method to carry out this task, then even after thousands of years of effort we will not be able to achieve our target.

Student level politics has adversely affected our educational system. Educational institutions must have better management and infrastructure to allow feedback to come in without the need for a student union. The only step which shall take our country forward is to create a sustainable infrastructure of quality education in India.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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