32. I am very dejected in life and everyone calls me so. Can I commit suicide and will God forgive me?

Such a state of mind prevails when one is not able to discover oneself. You need to decondition yourself from what society has told you and figure out things for yourself. God shall not forgive you if you commit suicide – this is not an option. It is clearly stated in a hadith that when a person commits suicide, he will be punished by God. The only option is to discover your potential and to avail of the opportunities around you. Committing suicide is like casting a ‘Vote of No Confidence’ against God and this is not acceptable in Islam and from a person who has faith in God’s plan. The Quran says:

God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. (Quran 2:286)

We must always be hopeful of God, keep our trust in Him and move on in our journey of self-discovery.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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