45. It pains me when Muslims in India are perceived to be traitors and are mistrusted. What is you view on this?

You should not see what others ‘say’ to you. I have done this all my life. I had several critiques. I only looked within me to see what I truly was. When I found that I was not what others said I was, that was enough for me! Yesterday, a person told me that I am a very wrong person because I do not consider the Prophet Muhammad to be ‘a complete example’. I did not argue with him. I thought to myself: ‘Do I accept the Prophet Muhammad as a complete example?’ I realized that I consider him more than complete and then I was at peace! The best response is not to ponder over what others say to you; you should simply evaluate your own conscience. If it says you are on the right track, then just carry on.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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