69. If someone committed shirk, is it punishable and do we have the right to implement this punishment. Is this what Allah desires from us?

This is entirely wrong. Nowhere in the Quran is it written in the Quran that one who does shirk (associate partners with God) should be killed or punished. This is highly baseless. This is a deviation from the freedom that human beings have been given by God in this world. Crime is the name of a social harm – like committing murder in society. Such a crime deserves punishment, but holding a certain belief or idea is not something that invites punishment. The Quran teaches:

So exhort them: your task is only to exhort, you are not their keeper. (Quran 88:21-22)

No person is accountable to another person, he is accountable only to God. Implementing punishment in matters of thought or belief is to position oneself on the throne of the Creator.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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