106. What do you think about the following verse: “And the Messenger has said, ‘O my Lord, indeed my people have taken this Quran as [a thing] abandoned.’” (Quran 25:30)?

This verse is about the Day of Judgment. These are the words the Prophet will say on the Day of Judgment about his community of later times. After the death of the Prophet and the passing of several generations, the followers of the Prophet went into a state of religious degeneration, thus abandoning their revealed Book.

Today we see that Muslims respect the Quran by kissing it and keeping it in sacred places, but they do not really follow its guidance in their lives. Instead of being a source of guidance, it seems to have acquired the status of being a display article.

This verse of the Quran is a warning or admonition for the Muslim community. They are forewarned that they should save themselves from developing the tendency of simply reciting the Quran while heeding to the dictates of their own desires.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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