23. What is the right solution to the Jammu and Kashmir problem?

I have done extensive research on the Kashmir issue and my firm opinion is that it was a relatively simple matter, which became complex because of the immature leadership of Kashmir. If the real context of an issue is changed, it becomes complex. The issue of Kashmir was secular in nature, but it was made religious and this is what made it complex. The Kashmiri leadership made it an issue of establishing Nizam-e-Mustafa (establishment of Islamic Shariah). For example, Muslims in India participate in all aspects of life and avail all benefits, but if Indian Muslims were to start a campaign to establish Nizam-e-Mustafa in India, they would lose everything. Muslims cannot think of progressing separately from the rest of the country, that, if they isolate themselves from the rest of India, they certainly cannot develop.

The Kashmir issue was a secular issue and it had to be solved within the secular parameters. The Indian Government had taken the right stand in this matter by offering to grant a special status to Kashmir under Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. The then Prime Minister, Mr. P.V. Narsimha Rao, had defined it as a case of autonomy and had given Kashmir the right to be an autonomous state while still being a part of the country. This was a great opportunity for Kashmir. This is similar to the fifty states of the US, all of whom enjoy autonomy. This has been the secret of America’s progress and would have become the secret of success of Kashmir had its people opted to accept the offer of the Indian Government. Unfortunately, the leadership of Kashmir could not take the right decision and this best offer was rejected.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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