21. Why do Muslim clerics reject the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam?

Islam has a traditional established model according to which Muhammad is:

God’s Messenger and the seal of the Prophets. (Quran 33:40)

The Ahmadiyya sect deviated from this established model and claimed that their founder was a prophet. When Muslims informed them that Muhammad was the final Prophet according to Islam, they said that their founder was in reality Zil-e-Nabi (Shadow of Prophet). This concept is prima facie baseless since it has no valid basis in the Quran and the Hadith. This is why the Ahmadiyya sect is rejected by every Muslim cleric outside the Ahmadiyya School of Thought.

However, the violent reaction of Muslims against people belonging to this sect is not justified. Topics of these sort are subject of intellectual discussion and peaceful persuasion. By no means should any form of violence or boycotting be used against them.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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