10. Why is there Islamophobia but no Hinduphobia or Buddhistphobia?

There is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’ as well. This is a concept which only some Muslims have themselves innovated. There would have been Islamophobia if this term had been coined by the West describing their own attitude towards Islam. On the other hand, this term has been attributed to the West by the Muslim community. Thus, Islamophobia is an allegation, and not a real phenomenon.

It is a common observation that Muslims become emotional easily when it comes to controversial issues. This is why people have come to fear Muslims, while Hindu and Buddhist communities are more tolerant in comparison. It is because of people’s perception of Muslims as being intolerant that there is fear of Muslims, but not of people of other faiths.

If the Muslim community embraces peace, cultivates tolerance among themselves and avoids being over-sensitive on trivial issues then the so-called ‘Islamophobic’ perception shall also disappear.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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