11. Christianity prohibits divorce unlike Islam. Does this mean Christianity is better of the two?

In principle, divorce is neither encouraged by Christianity nor by Islam. The Bible does not have a literal commandment prohibiting divorce, which should have been the case going by the premise of the question. According to a tradition, the Prophet Muhammad said:

Of all things permitted, divorce is the most hateful in the sight of God. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Kitab at-Talaq, vol. 2, p. 255)

According to Quranic teaching, marriage is the rule of life, and divorce only an exception. But the latter must also be accepted as a reality. Indeed, there exist commandments to deal with such cases in both religious and secular laws. Although Islam permits divorce, it lays great emphasis on it being used a last resort—a measure to be taken when all attempts at reconciliation have failed.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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