25. Would the world be more peaceful, without religion, borders, common culture and one language?

It is a mistake to believe that the world would be a more peaceful place if there were just one culture or one language, without religions and without borders. This will never happen because difference is part of nature; it has no existence in the external world.

There are two key aspects of human knowledge: humanities and physical sciences. Physical science does not have any differences, for instance, water shall always be H2O, and every scientist will always end up with the same conclusion through different experiments. In the subject of humanities, however, there will always be differences, as we learn from 312-page book by Dr. Alexis Carrel, wherein he has failed to find the reality of human life. That is why he titled the book, Man, The Unknown.

Psychological studies show that every man and women is different from one another. It can be seen that even in a family living together in the same house, following the same culture and speaking the same language, there can still be differences. Such differences are not a problem. Any difference causes discussion and it further leads to brainstorming.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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