The Beginning
of a New Era

With the end of the 14th century Hijrah, a whole era of Islam has come to an end. With the beginning of the 15th century, we are now on the threshold of a new era—and one of great promise, for we are fortunate in having around us all the circumstances most conducive to the creation of a new and great era of Islam.

When the darkness of the night gives way to the light of the sun, it is nature’s silent way of announcing that one revolution of night and day is over and that with a fresh day, a fresh life is beginning, and that with the light of day, the wayfarer may take courage and hope to reach his destination. The morning sun sheds light on two views of life. One backward looking, one forward looking. One is of the opportunities left behind, while the other is of the opportunities still ahead, waiting to be seized. He who uses his opportunities well will surely be successful in life. In this world of trial and competition, however, opportunities appear as such only to those who are capable of availing of them. Fail to grasp them and you will find that opportunity seldom knocks twice. Success, in other words, means the immediate exploitation of existing opportunities.

No one can make his start from yesterday. If a start is to be made, it must be from now, today. Those who choose to live in the past can expect little other than a steady deterioration of their circumstances and final annihilation.

Forget lost opportunities and learn to make full use of the chances of today. Just remember that the day once gone is gone never to return, and you may expect no quarter to be given you by the relentless march of time. Strike while the iron is hot, and success will surely come your way.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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