A Lifetime of Devotion

For no less than forty years, Pandit Ashu Ram Arya, a Vedic scholar, has been busy completing his self-ordained mission to translate all of the four Vedas into Urdu.

He embarked upon his task when he was just 20 years old. Now he is in his 70th year.

Pandit Arya said in an interview that his life’s mission would be completed next year when he finished the translation of Sam Veda in Urdu and publishes it. Then for the first time, the translation of all the four Vedas in Urdu would be available.

His translation of the Yajurveda in Urdu was published this year and his translations of the Rig Veda and the Atharva Veda are already being printed in New Delhi and Chandigarh.

Before him, several scholars have attempted to translate the Vedas into Urdu, but their efforts have taken them no further than putting the Hindi “Rig Veda Adi Bhashya Bhumika” (only the gist of the Vedas) into Urdu.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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