Patience, Perseverance
and Compassion

Success, is a matter of cool decisions, without constant wavering and changing of the mind, acute observation, initiative, and unremitting attention to a vast number of petty details.”

The above statement would appear to be a sure-fire recipe for material success in a very large number of situations.

As it happens, it is a formula evolved from the experience of Campbell Rogers, an expert in poultry keeping of international repute. But this unswerving devotion to taxing minutiae is not all that he advocates. He begins his now famous book, Profitable Poultry Keeping in India and the East (D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Bombay, 1959) with the notion that success in large- scale poultry-farming is largely dependent upon one’s temperament. Just as the successful poultry-man must give his attention to the habits and requirements of his birds, so also must the social being taken into account the inclinations and compulsions of others and show his willingness to make concessions to them in the interests of maintaining the happiness and tranquillity of society. Success in life is not just a matter of keeping one’s nose to the grindstone and taking correct decisions about financial matters, but of understanding one’s fellow-men and according them the kindness and respect which one would wish to have oneself.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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