Two Methods
Aiming at Eternal Truth

There are two ways of launching a movement, one by demands and the other by revolution. The former, exemplified for all time by the life of the Prophet Muhammad, has regrettably had to yield pride of place to the latter which is the more favoured, not only by communists, but also by present-day Muslims. Today, it is not only those of communists’ persuasions who rely on the revolutionary method, but also Muslims, who are everywhere to be found in armed encounters with their supposed rivals. Although many make their point by organising media protest campaigns, those who have access to bombs and bullets are quick to use them.

Why is it that Muslims are so enamoured of the revolutionary method, to the point of forgetting that there is such a thing as the da‘wa method? Why should they favour the ideology of Marx and Lenin when they have the Sunnah of the Final Prophet to show them the way?

The revolutionary path is that of reaction, and just explaining it in Islamic terms does not transform it into an Islamic method. Da‘wa, on the other hand, calls for patience and avoidance of confrontation. This method, as opposed to that of reaction, is doubtless the more difficult of the two, but, in the long run, is the best calculated to bear fruit.

The revolutionary method is negative in that it has its roots in hatred and is guided by mere human desires; it calls for instant action, and it is always the others, the non-revolutionaries, who are pelted with stones. On the contrary, the da‘wa method is positive in that it grows out of love. Where revolution calls for precipitateness, da‘wa advises patience, caution. Where revolutionary acts earn one popularity, da‘wa leads one into self-obliteration and the readiness to be the target of others’ stones.

Revolution is material in that it centres on human wants. Da‘wa is spiritual in that it is inspired by the Quran and the hadith. Revolution aims at an external target. Da‘wa aims at eternal truth—a wholly internal matter.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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