Going Against Nature

Shri Guru Golwalker, a Hindu fundamentalist leader, had categorically opposed the concept of a uniform civil code. His opposition was based not on religion but on nature. His stand was that a uniform code is not at all practicable on account of its being unnatural. He expresses it thus: “Nature abhors uniformity.”

This applies not only to the uniform civil code but also to life in its entirety. The system of life is based wholly on the principles of nature —principles which stand on their own strength and will last for all eternity. An individual or a nation has no option but to conform to them. None can oppose them, whatever the circumstances. Flying in the face of nature is of as little use as attempting to combat an earthquake, or trying to halt an avalanche with an outflung arm.

It has repeatedly happened throughout the history of the world that individuals or groups, having come into power, have imagined—quite falsely—that they could do whatever they wanted, namely, break up the prevalent map of life and replace it with a map of their own choice and fabrication. To this end they have launched major initiatives which have been baneful for humanity as a whole.  But history tells us that every such effort has met with ultimate failure, and that the system of nature has emerged unscathed. This law of nature has been in operation right from the time of Chengiz Khan to Nadir Khan, from the times of Hitler and Stalin down to present-day dictatorships. There is not a single exception throughout the entire span of human history, one of the principles of nature being that it is peace and not war which is sustainable in this world. Here it is justice and not injustice which endures. Here it is modesty and not arrogance which eventually finds a place in the sun. Running counter to this law is like beating one’s head against a brick wall.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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