Savouring One’s Faith

Imam Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj, the compiler of the collection of the Traditions known as the Sahih Muslim was born at Naishapur, AH 204 and died AH 261. His book of traditions ranks as second in authority to the Sahih Bukhari.

One tradition has been recorded by him in the chapter called, Kitab al-Iman. The hadith is as follows:

Abbas ibn Abd Al-Muttalib heard the messenger of God say: “The essence of faith is savoured by the man who has agreed to accept Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion and Muhammad, may peace be upon him, as the Messenger of Allah.”

Faith is not something which can be savoured by all, for it entails the sacrifice of the ego. And that is the most difficult thing for modern man to do, when egoism is the most powerful feeling he has. Humanism too, in changing the focus from God to man, has given the human ego a disturbing new dimension.

To become a true believer, the postulant must acknowledge inner and outer realities, and the only way to do this is to surrender his ego. He must agree to accept the role of creature for himself and that of Creator for his Lord. He must acknowledge the prophethood of God’s Prophet and must accept a lesser position for himself. He must agree to give God’s religion its rightful place and give up any ambition he may have had of fashioning his own religion.

This is possible only after a revolution in thinking. Only then does the seeker after truth have a full realization of God. If it were not so, he would not be prepared for so great a sacrifice.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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